Dining Guide 2016 | Dining Guide | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Dining Guide 2016

A special advertising supplement of the Pittsburgh City Paper

Assorted gelato from Mercurio's Artisan Gelato and Neapolitan Pizza
Assorted gelato from Mercurio's Artisan Gelato and Neapolitan Pizza

Make dining out an adventure — Whether you’re grabbing a quick bite before a game or celebrating at one of Pittsburgh’s upscale restaurants, our Dining Guide has a wide range of up-and-coming restaurants and classic city staples for any occasion. Let us guide you through Pittsburgh’s extensive dining scene one meal at a time. Don’t let these sections limit you; the following restaurants offer more than what is featured.


Dining Key:

Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants commit to actions such as buying local, donating food, or recycling, among many others. Together, they are transforming the restaurant industry for a more sustainable Pittsburgh region! 

Look for these symbols throughout our dining guide:

To find designated Sustainable Pittsburgh Restaurants. A complete list of restaurants and details on how each restaurant is pursuing sustainable policies and practices are found on the restaurant’s profile, available at sustainablePGHrestaurants.org.

Print Version

Pittsburgh City Paper Dining Guide 2016 is a product of City Paper's Marketing Department.