Lynn Cullen Live - 1/3/19 | Lynn Cullen Live | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Lynn Cullen Live - 1/3/19

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Democrats take over true political power today, when they take over the house. While Lynn is excited she is not looking forward to the circular firing squad that is coming as they try to figure out which person is the one to run for president. There is going to be a lot of Democrat on Democrat hatred in the near future.

Lynn is also discussing the latest on women were being harassed on the Saunders campaign. In addition women were being paid much less for the same job on the campaign. The treatment was reported, but nothing ever came from it.

Then there was article over the holidays about modern parenting that hits on one of Lynn's pet peeves: intensive parenting where parents feel that they need to do everything for their children, and not allow them to interact with the world.

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