Talkin' Snack: Quaker's hidden Baked Cheddar gems | Food | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Talkin' Snack: Quaker's hidden Baked Cheddar gems

Did you know Quaker has a snack mix? I'm not sure Quaker does, as these exquisite treats aren't anywhere to be found on its website.

Tanisha from D.C. was sniffing a little too close to a bag of these golden nuggets, and Frito-Lay Facebook threw her off their scent with a 404 error page: I had never heard of these until I made the walk of shame to the office vending machine. They stuck out immediately among the usual suspects of Cool Ranch Doritos and lame bags of trail mix with like three cashews.

What set them apart even more was their 130 calories per bag. Compare that to the 210 found in Chex Mix and the staggering 300 in a bag of melba-toast laden Gardetto's.

Quaker SnackMix Baked Cheddar contains the typical assortment of crunchy odds and ends - pretzel twists, pretzel rods, square cheese crackers, wheat crisps and crostinis you'd find smothered in artichoke dip at your friend's holiday party; all coated oh so gracefully with a light dusting of maltodextrin. Somewhere hiding in that bag are notes of honey, which are surprising, refreshing, and impressively complementary to the cheddar. 

If you know where to find these hunger busters outside of Centre City Tower, please slide into our DMs. And hit up Tanisha in D.C., while you're at it. 

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