Gluten Free Goat opens a storefront bakery and café in Garfield | Food | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Gluten Free Goat opens a storefront bakery and café in Garfield

Sweets stand ready to dispel concerns that gluten-free baked goods are bland or stodgy

Perhaps you’ve had some of Gluten Free Goat’s baked goods at various coffee shops around town. Or you miss its stall at the now-shuttered Pittsburgh Public Market. Good news: Gluten Free Goat’s storefront bakery and café in Garfield is now open.

The airy space on Penn Avenue serves as a grab-and-go bakery and sit-down café with prepared meals. The fare is free of gluten, soy, oat and corn. Some items incorporate vegan alternatives, such as cashew “cream,” but diners can get milk with their coffee and a grilled-cheese sandwich.

The café offers brunch, with classic items reworked to accommodate dietary sensitivities. Alternate flours substitute for wheat and corn, so patrons can still chow down on a hearty Belgian waffle (try topped with stewed apples), or the quiche of the day, with its signature pale, firm crust. The “Benedict” is vegan, made with chickpea patties and shiitake “bacon.” Make larger meals by adding side salads and housemade soups. Last weekend’s soup was a bright mélange of sweet potato, carrot and ginger, topped with fresh herbs and slivered almonds. 

A number of sweets stand ready to dispel diner’s concerns that gluten-free baked goods are bland or stodgy. There are apple-cider donuts, intriguingly flavored cupcakes (lemon blueberry green tea), cheesecake (strawberry lavender or chocolate mint), and banana cream pie chia pudding. Patrons can also pop in for “healthier” to-go salads, made with mixed greens, chickpeas or quinoa. But really: Get a donut, too.

Making burrata with Caputo Brothers Creamery
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