A tarot reading for Pittsburgh predicts sanctuary city, prosperity and more sparring with Trump | News | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

A tarot reading for Pittsburgh predicts sanctuary city, prosperity and more sparring with Trump

But his reading also carried a warning: Prosperity will continue here only if everyone benefits from it

In these uncertain times, it often feels like an astrologer could predict what’s going to happen more accurately than could political pundits, economic analysts and local meteorologists. So City Paper talked to Angel Lozada, a Puerto Rican-born psychic with Journeys of Life, a Pittsburgh-based psychic community, to find out what’s in store for Pittsburgh in 2018.

Overall, Lozada says the Yoruban goddess Oshun will continue to protect the city in 2018. Oshun is considered the mother of Africa’s fresh and salt water, and relates to Pittsburgh because of the three rivers. 

“This year — in spite of the upcoming difficulties — is blessed by her energy,” Lozada says. “For people having difficulties, the best place to pray is the Point, because that is the vortex of her energy.”

From a 10-card tarot reading, Lozada divines that Pittsburgh is poised to become a sanctuary city, welcoming to immigrants, in 2018; that Mayor Bill Peduto would continue to stand up to Donald Trump; and that the city would continue to prosper from our educational, medical and technology economies. But his reading also carries a warning: Prosperity will continue here only if everyone benefits from it.

“This reading is blessed economically,” Lozado says. “But we have to share it. We only prosper when the least among us prospers.”

Ten of Pentacles

“The gates are surrounded with money. It represents a city that has economic resources and a city that should always be welcoming and opening the doors to everyone. It means that making Pittsburgh a sanctuary city should be its first priority.”

Six of Cups

“This is true love, and it’s usually represented by a child giving flowers to an old woman. What it’s saying is, if you’re going to be successful, you have to take care of your elders, you have to take care of those less fortunate.” 

Ace of Pentacles

“In terms of finances, it’s looking very good this year for Pittsburgh. This card is saying the city isn’t going to have any problems with finances.”

Knight of Swords

“The actions the city should take are based on this card. It’s saying, ‘Don’t be afraid of the technology.’ We have a very big technology sector.”

King of Rods

“Between the Knight of Swords and the King of Rods, that’s probably directed at the mayor. Think technology, think hospitals, think education, but don’t forget building stuff.” 

Six of Swords

“With this card, you have a person riding a boat in the middle of the river and taking one person from one island to the other. Basically what it’s saying is that our approach should always be to be multicultural, to be bringing cultures together.”

Three of Rods

“It says it’s going to be a year where we have to plan for the future. This is about thinking long-term.” 

Four of Cups

“This card is about unexpected opportunities. It’s saying, ‘Think outside of the box, but also expect opportunities.’ For instance, Amazon. It also says, ‘Take a moment to rest and think about what kind of city we want to have in 2018.’”

King of Swords

“This says to not be afraid of using facts and science. The King of Swords is a king that rules with science, not the way some people want to run the United States. It also says there is so much intellectual capital here, that is the knowledge we should seek when we plan.” 

The Emperor

“The Emperor rules by force and not by knowledge. Pretty much all of the advice I have given here is advice that places the city head-to-head in confrontation with Donald Trump. I am going to make a prediction. The city has to show the way of doing the right thing irrespectively of whether the Emperor, who has no clothes, agrees with it or not. If you do that, I predict we’ll have an extraordinary future.” 

Lozada is cognizant that the reading is geared largely to politics. But he says that in the current climate, he’s been thinking about the role of astrologers in society.  

“We have to get back to the tradition of those witches who were burned at the stake, not because they were cooking potions, but because they were standing against patriarchy, because they were standing against forces of injustice,” Lozada says.

On Jan. 5, Journey of Life will host Cards and Stars for 2018, an event where Lozada and master astrologer Judi Vitale will share insights into the year ahead. For more information, visit journeysoflife.com

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