Step Up 2 the Streets | Screen | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Step Up 2 the Streets

A young dancer marries street style to ballet

If you're expecting Jon Chu's sorta sequel to 2006's Step Up to be a familiar story, sloppily edited and repackaged under the same title as its irrelevant predecessor, you'll be mostly right. When little orphan Andie (Briana Evigan) is forced to hit the books at the Maryland School of the Arts instead of the streets, she is disowned by her dance crew. Don't worry -- she soon recovers with a new crew of loveable MSA misfits that even includes a love interest, all of whom you can almost care about. The script is laughable, but the happy surprise is that more than half of the jokes are intentional. No one's going to step up 2 the Oscars, but the dancing-per-minute matches acting-per-minute almost 1:1, making this film somewhat entertaining when your eyes aren't rolling.

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