Song Spotlight: "Water" by Hollan and Zach Wood | Music | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Song Spotlight: "Water" by Hollan and Zach Wood

click to enlarge Song Spotlight: "Water" by Hollan and Zach Wood
Photo by Ana Manotti
Zach Wood (left) and Hollan (right)
The Harrisburg-based musician Anna Manotti, aka Hollan, put out a new song, "Water," on July 9. Water comes off of her collaboration with Pittsburgh musician Zach Wood entitled Cowgirland, an emotional five-track EP.

The two created Cowgirland in the dining room of Wood’s house, and the songs cover four years of experiences in their lives, from ages 20 to 24.

"Water" was written by Hollan back in 2016 and was originally released as a demo on YouTube. Wood listened to it a few months later, and after years of listening to each other’s music, the two met in 2019 and decided to go on a mini-tour together. Not surprisingly, the pandemic got in the way of those plans, so Wood and Hollan decided to record Cowgirland instead.

"Water" is a slow, brooding track that will win you over in seconds. The intense lyrics coupled with the ardent vocals of both Hollan and Wood give way to a flowing, emotive performance.

“And all these people
In the crowds I walk through
They act like they're full on love
Don't worry, it'll never reach you
Cause I feel they're empty
But they don't listen to twenty
And I have something to offer
Aren't you somebody's daughter?”

The song starts to reach an emotional climax when two voices harmonize over the lyric “someday I will find a place where I can breathe again.” The instrumentals on the song give it a folksy feel, and the lyrics about travel, water, and finding where you belong will resonate with listeners who also spent their early twenties searching for a place where they could feel like their true selves.

"Water" reminds me of songs I’ve listened to from artists like Daughter and Laura Marling, singer-songwriters who obviously have beautiful voices but also focus on crafting memorable lyrics.

Cowgirland drops August 6 on all streaming platforms. You can listen to "Water" now ahead of its release.

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