Slim Forsythe | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Jul 30, 2011



  • Posted by:
    Slim Forsythe on 10/11/2018 at 10:49 AM
    Thanks for the kind words, Jesse, and Congrats! Hope to see you at a show one of these nights! May the Good Lord hold you in the palm of His hand till we meet again...on that long, lost highway... Slim Forsythe
  • Posted by:
    Slim Forsythe on 04/16/2018 at 6:28 PM
    Thanks, Emily! I'm sorry, but somehow I missed this in the shuffle and I'm very grateful for the kind words. I'll be sure and tell Tricky Mannion (fiddle). Yes, he really nailed the intro to Down on My Knees at Nied's Hotel Again. And that's him on the A Side too. We've got lots of great shows at Nied's Hotel in the Spring and Summer. Love & Gode bless from East Lawrenceville! Slim Forsythe
  • Posted by:
    Slim Forsythe on 08/30/2017 at 12:41 PM
    Greatly appreciated, Mike. I put my heart and soul into that record. Thanks for listening. The kind words are high praise coming from one such as yourself! All the best, Slim
  • Posted by:
    Slim Forsythe on 09/24/2013 at 10:01 AM
    Here's the FB invite with deets!…
  • Posted by:
    Slim Forsythe on 07/30/2011 at 8:55 AM
    Thanks, Skipp! I'm a lucky guy to have a fan and friend like you. Great seeing you and Lynn last night at Murphy's Tap Room.

    Hey Patsy Patsy! Fancy meetin' you here! I'm so glad you like your song.

    Yeah...thanks, Andy and thank you City Paper for spreadin' the news. This song will be on my upcomin' full-length album due out in early December so keep yer eyes on those local listin's! Till our paths cross again on that long, lost (cyber) highway...Slim Forsythe
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