Opinion: We must move the 2024 primary date

Ashley Comas has puffy natural hair and wears hoop earrings and a pink satin dress.
Courtesy of Disruptive Digital
Ashley Comans, primary candidate for Pa. House

Voting is one of the most fundamental rights that we have as citizens of a democracy. It is a key reason why I am running to be the next State Representative in House District 34: last year’s special election for this seat did not give voters the chance to select a nominee, and this year they will have a choice when they go to the ballot box.

It is through our votes that we have the power to shape the future of our communities, and it is crucial the Pennsylvania legislature moves the date of the 2024 primary or move to begin early voting in Pennsylvania. Currently, the 2024 primary date coincides with the Jewish holiday of Passover, putting many in the impossible position of having to choose between observing their religious holiday or exercising their right to vote.

My Grandmother was raised Jewish, and although that wasn’t part of my upbringing, I watched her hold on to some of her practices. I have a deep respect for others’ religious beliefs and feel compelled to speak out on this issue. To put anyone in a position to have to choose between their right to vote and their religion is unacceptable, especially when the legislature has the power to change the date.

Although the 2024 primary is rapidly approaching, it is not too late to act. I’m calling upon the legislature to honor our democratic institutions, allow everyone to have equal ability to cast their ballot on election day, and move the primary date or institute early voting, to not conflict with a major religious holiday. The health of our democracy depends upon it.

Ashley Comans is a candidate for office for Pennsylvania's 34th legislative district. A longtime Wilkinsburg resident and school board member since 2017, she is a graduate of Woodland Hills High School and Clarion University.

Editor's note: This opinion was written and submitted prior to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives adjourning for the year. The House would need to move the date prior to the end of December for the Dept. of State to implement changes.