Creative Nonfiction magazine celebrates its 50th issue | Pittsburgh City Paper

Creative Nonfiction magazine celebrates its 50th issue

The Pittsburgh-based, internationally known literary magazine for “true stories, well told,” which in 1993 marked its 20th year, has a supersized edition for this milestone.

Founder and editor Lee Gutkind contributes a brief history of creative nonfiction, which he did so much to popularize — especially in the 1990s, when, as he recalls, the genre was much beset by critics. These days, the publication’s 2005 essay collection In Fact is used in writing classrooms all over (and the mag's editorial advisory board includes names like Annie Dillard, Dave Eggers, Susan Orlean and Gay Talese).

The 128-page special edition also includes a conversation between Gutkind, who founded Pitt's creative-nonfiction program, and former student (and one-time Creative Nonfiction copy-editor) Michael Rosenwald, now a Washington Post reporter. It's titled “How Many Times Did You Almost Go Out of Business With This Thing?” And there’s a cut from Gutkind’s in-progress memoir, titled “On the Fine Art of Literary Fist-Fighting?” (Are we sensing a theme yet?)

But the centerpiece of issue 50 is a collection of 10 works of creative nonfiction from CN, dating back to issue one. Writers include famed poet Charles Simic, former Pittsburgher Elena Passarello (whose “Ramalamadingdong” excavates the world of rock lyrics) and journalist Sam Quinones.

The price is $10. Learn more here