Lynn Cullen Live 04/29/13 | Pittsburgh City Paper

Lynn Cullen Live 04/29/13

Audio & Video Archive

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Pittsburgh Pirates in 1st place!; Tim Tebow let go; negative ads toward Peduto on TV; White House Correspondents Dinner; Calista Gingrich's hair....; Obama the entertainer; what Sandra Day O' Connor regrets; technology to send a text by thinking it; robots who can anticipate what humans want before they think it; we need regular people in office; funding for Head Start is going south; Nelson Mandela's awful offspring; what constitutes a weapon of mass destruction?; can a Sunday go by without Lindsey Graham being on TV?; Bangladeshis killed making our clothes; the movie The Impossible cast white blondes, based on a true story of a brown family; Caller: Joe.

Audio Only Archive

Lynn Cullen Live 4/29/13