Writers on Writing: Stacey Waite | Carlow University | Literary | Pittsburgh City Paper

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Writers on Writing: Stacey Waite

The Madwomen in the Attic presents Writers on Writing: Stacey Waite. Carlow University, Aquinas Hall, Room 106. Reading, discussion, and book signing. Free parking. Stacey Waite is associate professor of English at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and has published four collections of poems: Choke, Love Poem to Androgyny, the lake has no saint, and Butch Geography. Waite’s poems have appeared most recently in Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Cherry Tree, and Court Green. Waite’s newest book is a mixed genre text entitled, Teaching Queer: Radical Possibilities for Writing and Knowing, published by University of Pittsburgh Press.

A free celebration of printed art
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A free celebration of printed art

By Mars Johnson