Vince Vespa | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Jun 19, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Vince Vespa on 08/20/2015 at 12:02 AM
    Beware the biomass energy industry, in Pennsylvania and beyond. Cutting down our forests and burning trees for fuel is not the solution to climate change. It is filthy. It is not carbon neutral. Taxpayers should not be subsidizing this industry.…

  • Posted by:
    Vince Vespa on 06/19/2014 at 4:35 AM
    "Some health threats, like air pollution, aren't things you can fix at the gym; others are tied to outside factors."

    There's certainly no denying that...

    "Peduto's administration has taken on the issue by joining Allegheny County's new 'Live Well' campaign, a countywide effort to address everything from neighborhood safety to smoking cessation."

    With all the gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands over the "outside factors" of diesel fumes and Shenango spew and cigarette smoke, a simple thing that would really improve air quality nowadays is to stop all the new-neanderthal urban wood burning. Sure would improve the health benefit of going outside and taking a walk through a lot of our neighborhoods. There's no excuse for retailers to be killing our lungs with foul neighborhood air because they can make a buck foisting fire pits and bundled fire wood at every stinking outlet. Pumping my gas at the GetGo the other sweltering night the pump display asked me if I wanted to buy fire wood while I was at it. Ya kiddin' me???