thebeautifultruth | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Jan 4, 2014


  • Posted by:
    thebeautifultruth on 01/04/2014 at 11:10 AM
    I'm in total agreement with 4theluvofPgh. My understanding is this:  Ms. Urbanic is the coordinator, she works with what she is given. There is only so much that she can suggest or influence, because ultimately, most of these decisions are above her. I am aware of one such instance where Ms. Urbanic brought a company in to do a study that would enhance 311abilities and productivity. They invested time and money into this study (which cost the city nothing) and despite Ms. Urbanic's efforts otherwise,  the company was not given clearance to continue.

    She has brainstormed with, and picked clean the brains of, all of the other 311 response lines she has come in contact with at the confrences that are held annually. She has made such an impact with them, that she was elected to become a board member of the AGCCP. That does not sound like an individual attempting to impede progress. 

    Wendy Urbanic has been "single-handedly" trying to champion for every type of improvement that could possibly benefit Pittsburgh's 311 response line to be implemented since Day 1. If you believe otherwise, you are surely mistaken... To Wendy Urbanic, the white knight of 311!