pjd412 | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Apr 14, 2018


  • Posted by:
    pjd412 on 04/14/2018 at 6:51 PM
    Visiting Andy Warol's grave in Bethel Park right now, and being confused at all the Orthodox crosses on the tombstones, including Andy's....Then, a local couple living nearby taking a walk in the cemetery telling me it was a "Greek Orthodox" cemetery ("but Greeks don't use 3-bar crosses" I objected)- because Andy's own family's church would not allow him to be buried in their cemetery "because he was gay" they said, .... brought me here.

    This article answered all my questions. Too bad, Chris, that you now must work for the useless right wing rag "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette" to keep a roof over your head - just like those Carpatho-Rusyn scabs in the now-gone steel mills...