NoSympathy | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Dec 24, 2010


  • Posted by:
    NoSympathy on 12/24/2010 at 7:04 PM
    Re: “Breaking Out
    Amazing!!!Must be relatives of EX-Cons or have served time themselves. If the "voters" of the state knew exactly how easy life is for an "Inmate" inside doing time they would flip their wigs. If you break the law, you go to jail on vacation....Handball couts, better gymnasiums than most of the high-schools in the state, three square meals a day,, medical treatment they only have to pay 5$ for and 2$ for perscriptions. Oh yeah, and did I mention air-conditioning and heat and "NO" utility bills, not to mention cable TV at only 16$ a month. Rec periods twice a day and free haircuts. Oh yeah..............the INMATES of the 21st century have it sooooo hard. You commit the crime, you do the time.......We should bring the Country Joe from out west and show the state how an offender should really serve time......Give me a break