mr teaspoon | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Apr 6, 2011


  • Posted by:
    mr teaspoon on 04/06/2011 at 1:34 PM
    @ Common Sense

    Nobody (well at least, most people) would argue that PGH cops are all lazy, stupid, etc. Everybody gets that being a cop is dangerous, rough job. I can't imagine the kind of crap you guys need to deal with.

    But that's part of the job, accept it or reject it. Being a cop is being given a giant amount of authority over your fellow citizens, it's expected that you'll use it honorably. There's a big difference between, say, a bartender having a shitty day and swearing at a customer and a police officer cussing out somebody while writing a ticket. You don't get to point to job related stress as a reason you acted like an ass as an officer of the law.

    You really make yourself sound like a prick when you end the whole thing with calling non-cops sheep. Yeah, OK buddy. I can feel the sense of civic pride just emenating off of you.