Mark Hext | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Dec 18, 2015


  • Posted by:
    Mark Hext on 12/18/2015 at 4:02 AM
    Given the current climate it's decidedly unhelpful to spend time videoing cops trying to do their jobs. Wouldn't you be angry if you were trying to perform your work while someone with a negative agenda was filming you? Using the phrase "because I'm black" hardly does anything to calm anybody down. Unless you know the officer well enough to know he isn't married to a black person of either gender all you are doing is highlighting your own personal bias.

    Yes he struck an inanimate object with a baton. Wouldn't you be angry if someone who didn't know you effectively called you a racist in the street while you tried to work? I know and understand myself well enough to know I'd probably have done something similar through frustration.

    Because I'm black, gay, fat, whatever is your projection and not always the reality. It's a hateful thing to allege at anyone without good cause and doing his job in moving people out of the road and away from a confrontation is not evidence of racism.

    Was it handled well? I don't think it was particularly but did he protect others from being embroiled in it? Yes.

    Despite the recent issues not everyone in a uniform is a racist. Not everyone hates Muslims either.

    Cops have a tough job to do protecting the many law abiding citizens from those who are not. Remember that the next time you want to inflame a situation because you believe it's your right to film everything and inject a bias into your work. A journalist should have some standards including objectivity at the top of the list.

    By the way, to those hard of thinking the taser was not used. How do I know this? Simple, the officers would also feel the current as they were restraining the suspect.