Karen Akana | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Aug 2, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Karen Akana on 08/02/2009 at 11:51 PM
    I am watching Ruby at this very moment on Style. episode 'ruby redecorating her bedroom'.I am in stitches, laughing so hard I am barely able to contain my bladder!
    On the phone to Anthony " she could turn on me now" This is the 1st time since Ruby was at 500 lbs. have i laughed SOOO Hard. I just love this woman. She is a Larve waiting to become the 'Madame butterfly' I wait each week, to see her success story unfold. I am NOT overweight, yet, each addictiom is a FIGHT. She deserves the 'heavy weight Champ of the World' belt! Good Luck and may God continue to Bless U and all that are supportive of you!! U Go Girl! Love karen M. Akana in Newport Beach, Ca.