Juddy | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Aug 17, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Juddy on 08/17/2009 at 9:58 AM
    Re: “El Camino

    You're absolutely right that my former work for the Sprout Fund (which ended a few months before beginning this story) should have been mentioned as full disclosure, and I apologize for the omission.

    In my own defense, I found out about the Sprout grant to Camino during the final flurry of edits on the story - at which point it totally slipped my mind!!

    And for the record, El Camino found out about the grant (a very small amount - less than half of their August expenses alone) well into the final stages of preparing their work - up until early August, Anya Martin and Michelle Carello paid their actors, acquired their space, and did all their work out of their own pockets.
