bas | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since May 16, 2011


  • Posted by:
    bas on 05/16/2011 at 3:02 PM
    As a member of the democratic party, i too find it unacceptable that we are left with nothing but another member of PA government that will keep us "held hostage by the corporations that are doing us more harm than good"
    It is very evident that this industry is doing a lot of damage to water, air, land and the health and welfare of the citizens who are living in the areas where drilling for natural gas is being done. Rich Fitzerald falsely accused me of endorsing Mark Flagherty for the position of county executive in a recent PG article. I asked for them to retract the statement and never even received a phone call back. I will not endorse or vote for any person that will continue to give priority to the gas industry over the safety and well being of the citizens of our state. It is a statement and commitment that we as "marcellus shale protesters" have made to stop this industry from destroying any more of our rights in the name of corporate greed. I would advise anyone who disagrees with the way things are being done to join us in support of Dana Dolney, and let these officials know that we intend to see that our constitutional rights be upheld in the state of Pennsylvania.