Guerilla Artist installs exhibit on Baum Blvd. to highlight NFL protest | Pittsburgh City Paper

Guerilla Artist installs exhibit on Baum Blvd. to highlight NFL protest

Guerilla Artist installs exhibit on Baum Blvd. to highlight NFL protest
CP photo by Bill O'Driscoll
This public-art projection by artist m.M Frangos went up at 8:30 p.m. on Baum Boulevard near Euclid in East Liberty. Franco, who lives in East Liberty, references the controversy over NFL players taking a knee for the national anthem to disrupt people’s daily routines and get them thinking. She hopes this work of guerrilla art — visible only at night — will stay up through the weekend.

"As a Disruptive Public Artist with an emphasis on social justice issues, my artistic goal is to buck repressive norms and disrupt our social agreements,"  writes m.M Frangos in a text to CP. "The debate about whether public art, esp temporary pop-up art, ought to serve as confirmation of perceived beliefs ie a 'social contract' or to dissent and echo the cries of a community. I believe in the latter. Peoples' voices need to be heard. Public Art provides that mechanism."

UPDATE: Frangos texted CP this morning that the building owner on whose roof the project equipment had been installed had removed the gear.