MP3 Monday: Punchline | Pittsburgh City Paper

MP3 Monday: Punchline

click to enlarge MP3 Monday: Punchline
Photo courtesy of Brendan Walter
So Nice To Meet Them: Punchline

Feeling down in the dumps these days? Does every day on your calendar simply say "be sad 9 a.m. - bedtime"? Have you been called a "Gloomy Gus" more than once in the past week? If so, perk up, because Punchline has written a song to put the pep back your step. "Darkest Dark" is the latest from the Pittsburgh-bred pop band in a career spanning almost 20 years (anniversary this July). The track flies the flag for optimism and ebullience (douchy word, sorry), without veering into saccharin territory. Reliant K's Matt Thiesson chips in vocals too, which is rad. It's a lovely track, give it a listen.

Also, Punchline is in the midst of a Kickstarter campaign to make a Netflix special. Check it out here.

Punchline: Darkest Dark

To download "Darkest Days," right-click here and select "save as."