What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Let's hope so. For years, Las Vegas was among the fastest-growing cities in the country ... but more recently, it's been among those hardest hit by the recession. All that explosive growth proved to be little more than a mirage.
Stolid old Pittsburgh, by comparison, holds up pretty well economically speaking. (We've also got a more reliable source of water.) And thanks to the roll-out and expansion of gambling across the region and the state, we've got our own Monaco on the Ohio. And even if gambling isn't your thing, as the honorees in this year's "Best of Pittsburgh" issue prove, you don't have to go to Vegas for a weekend to remember. Once again, City Paper's readers have compiled a list of the region's surest things, and its safest bets. You'll find all of them on the following pages. And remember: You can't win if you don't play.
Cover and Intro Pages Photographer: Heather Mull
Models: Lexi May and Alex Medvedeff
Styling: Michelle Pacis
Hair: Renegade Stylist to the Stars
Makeup: Bethany Montecalvo, www.treatmentorganic.com
Kelly's Bar & Lounge Extras: Miss Pittsburgh Pride 2010, Georgia Bea Cummings, facebook.com/missgeorgiabea and Mr. Pittsburgh Pride 2010, JJ Cox, facebook.com/nodirtyrockstar
Special thanks to the Rivers Casino, (www.riverscasino.com) ;Gary Taylor, of Professional Limousine (412-331-2524 or www.plslimo.com); and Larry Lagatutta, owner of Enrico Biscotti, for locations.
Dress, jewelry and clutch provided by Jupe Boutique (second-place winner of Best Local Fashion Boutique), 2306 E. Carson St., South Side, 412-432-7933, www.jupeboutique.com
Vintage tuxedo, fur stole, men's pajamas and nightgown provided by Eons Fashion Antique (third-place winner, Best Place to Buy Vintage Clothing), 5850 Ellsworth Ave., Shadyside, 412-361-3368
Slingback heels and faux fur coat (on Lexi) provided by Goodwill of Southwestern Pennsylvania (winner, Best Place to Buy Vintage Clothing), various locations, www.goodwillswpa.org
Fedora and obi belt (on Lexi) provided by Pavement (winner, Best Local Fashion Boutique), 3629 Butler St., Lawrenceville, 412-621-6400