G-20 Activism | News | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

G-20 Activism

Below is a list of protests and events taking place leading up to and during the G-20 economic summit Sept. 23-25. Click here to download a full-page protest chart.


Sept. 23-25

Three Rivers Climate Convergence. Workshops, protests and film screenings, in reaction to International Coal Conference & G-20. Schenley Park Overlook, other venues. www.3riversconvergence.org


Wed., Sept. 23

Panel Discussion on G-20. Featuring Joseph Stiglitz, Emira Woods, Miriam Miranda, Carl Redwood Jr., Rev. John Welch, Leo Gerard. 3:30 p.m. Monumental Baptist Church, Hill District. www.pittsburghunited.org/G20

Repower America Clean Energy Jobs Tour Rally. The conclusion of the Blue Green Alliance's Clean Energy Jobs Tour will be a rally and concert featuring Al Gore, Joan Jett, Big Head Todd and the Monsters and more. 6 p.m. Point State Park. www.repoweramerica.org

G-20 The Pittsburgh Bingo. Sponsored by Councilor Bill Peduto and the One Campaign, the event is a fundraiser for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. 7-10 p.m. Cappy's Café, 5431 Walnut St., Shadyside. Attendees are encouraged to bring a can of food.


Thu., Sept. 24

The People's Uprising. Unpermitted march from Arsenal Park (Lawrenceville) toward Downtown. 2:30 p.m. www.resistg20.org. The march, according to organizers, is "not a state-sanctioned event," and will get as close to the convention center as possible. 

People's Voices: A Global/Local Exchange. A discussion circle with local and international participants. Topics include: "What's Happening in Our Neighborhoods and Internationally: From the Barrio to Boardroom," "Workers on the Move: Fighting for Sustainable Jobs" and "Militarization and War in the 21st Century." 3 p.m. Emmanuel Episcopal Church, North Side. 412-231-8648 or [email protected]

The People's Tribunal.  Policies of the G-20 put on trial. 6:30 p.m. Calvary United Methodist Church, North Side. www.pittsburghunited.org/G20

Cabaret of Creative Resistance.  Performances organized by Revolting Enthusiastic Creators for Total Liberation (RECTL). 7 p.n. Public Health Building, University of Pittsburgh, Oakland


Fri., Sept. 25

Pittsburgh Day of Service. Area-wide cleanup projects including trail restoration at North Park, playground equipment painting at Settler's Cabin and painting bleachers at South Park. For more information and complete project list go to: www.PittsburghDayOfService.com

People's Voices from Latin America. Featuring Benedicto Martinez, Alberto Arroyo and Miriam Miranda. 9 a.m. David Lawrence Hall, University of Pittsburgh. 412-231-8648 or [email protected]

Mass Meditation for Peace. 10-11:30 a.m. Flagstaff Hill, Schenley Park

The People's March to the G-20. Rally at Fifth Avenue and Craft Street in Oakland at noon, permitted march to City-County Building (2 p.m.), permitted march to Federal Building (3 p.m.). [email protected]

G-20 Panel Discussion.  7-9 p.m. Shadow Lounge, East Liberty. 412-363-8277