"Bush Monkeys" Climbs Back into Spotlight | News | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

"Bush Monkeys" Climbs Back into Spotlight

The "Bush Monkeys" painting by Pittsburgh artist Chris Savido, which prompted officials of New York City's Chelsea Market to shut down an art show in December, is now up for auction on eBay (search.ebay.com/art-for-freedom_W0QQsokeywordredirectZ1QQfromZR8). The acrylic portrait of President George W. Bush, which on closer inspection resolves into monkeys in a marsh (see News Briefs, "Freedom of Screech," Dec. 22), joins the work of 10 other artists from the exhibit under the rubric "Art for Freedom." Half the proceeds for "Bush Monkeys" (starting bid: $1,750) will fund anti-censorship and anti-war causes via the National Coalition Against Censorship (www.ncac.org) and Veterans for Peace/Iraq Veterans Against the War (www.ivaw.net).