Pittsburgh City Paper

Submissions for Don't Let the Zine Go Down on Me! are now open

Jordan Snowden Feb 3, 2020 14:58 PM
Photo: Claire Aran
DLTSGDOM! team, Brett Shumaker (left), Anastasia Blü Hons-Astle (middle), Indigo Baloch (right)
Don’t the Let Scene Go Down On Me! is expanding into print media.

On Friday, Brett Shumaker, the founder of the DIY booking collective, announced on Facebook that his group launched a new zine titled Don't Let the Zine Go Down on Me! and is currently taking submissions.

"I've always loved the idea of zines in the DIY music scene," says Shumaker. "It's one way of making this whole thing more of a community than just show up, watch some bands, go home."

The idea simply came from thinking the scene/zine pun was funny.

"Even though I guess Don't Let the Scene Go Down on Me! is kind of already a pun," says Shumaker. "But the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to make it a reality."

Shumaker has wanted to make a zine for about five years, but up until recently, he was the lone member of the collective and didn't have time to implement the idea. 

"Although 'Collective' is in our name, DLTSGDOM! has mostly been just me since the beginning," says Shumaker. "Now that I have the help of new members, Indigo Baloch and Anastasia Blü Hons-Astle, we're finally ready to make it happen. My hope is that it's informative and artistic. I want to highlight upcoming events in the scene as well as showcase local artists."

Interested collaborators can submit their work to dltsgdom@gmail.com now through Fri., Feb. 14 with the subject line "Zine Submission." For the first issue, there is no set theme and all forms of print media will be considered.