Pittsburgh poets read Oct. 12 to benefit Obama/Biden. | Literary Arts | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Pittsburgh poets read Oct. 12 to benefit Obama/Biden.

Peruse the line-up for Oct. 12's "Poets for a Better Country" fund-raiser, and it's clear that if Pittsburgh's top poets constituted the electorate, we could call Nov. 4 today. Organized by poets Toi Derricotte and Judith Vollmer -- who are working to spark similar events that day in other cities, too -- it's a veritable all-star team. The Kelly-Strayhorn Theater roster includes: Jan Beatty, C.M. Burroughs, Jim Daniels, Lynn Emmanuel, Vanessa German, Terrance Hayes, Sam Hazo, Romella Kitchens, Ben Lerner, Ed Ochester, Ellen Smith and more.

Donations benefit the Obama/Biden campaign.


Poets for A Better Country 2-5 p.m. Sun., Oct. 12. Kelly-Strayhorn Theater, 5941 Penn Ave., East Liberty. Suggested donation: $10-100. 412-363-3000 or [email protected]