Defleshed, Skeletonized’s latest cassette, is a raucous cacophony of saxophone, bass, drums, synths and electronics. The sounds, as arranged and constructed, are erratic, but the group manages to hang onto each other, locking into unconventional grooves.
Unlike the self-titled release that came out a year ago, Skeletonized has split this new full release into seven individual tracks on Bandcamp, as opposed to featuring the two entire sides as one piece each. That being said, the release plays just as well as an uninterrupted listen, each track flowing into the next with subtle samples or threading synths.
Defleshed feels far more representative of natural themes, whereas the earlier self-titled felt a bit more industrial. Listening to this release feels like getting dropped into the sonic equivalent of a glowing grotto, raging river or windy mountaintop.