Immediately we're treated to a close-up of a hairy butt crack. Trent Cooper's softhearted but vulgar comedy then works that ass out but good courtesy of its proud owner, comedian Larry the Cable Guy. Inexplicably, Larry -- a Moon Pie-eating, PBR-guzzling, Dixie-fried goober -- works as a restaurant health inspector. Turns out the turd-obsessed Larry is the right man for the job when bizarre episodes of food poisoning break out (I'm hard-pressed to recall a film with more fart and poopy jokes). The film is basically an extended skit, a platform for Larry to do his white-trash-and-proud shtick, a characterization so calculated, that it couldn't appear more fake: Nobody but an entertainer would ever exhort "Jesus, Mary and Dale Earnhardt Junior." Larry gets a few funny lines off, and undoubtedly his fans will find this cinematic Whoopee Cushion time well passed.