Ivette Spradlin screens five of her inventive shorts, including "A Lesson in Movement" — a delightful kinesthetic montage made from vintage gymnastics, X-ray and animated anatomical footage — and "Silience," which combines puppetry and stop-action animation with live circus-style performers like a juggler and a contortionist. The program also features two installments of Chris Lee and Tom Williams' new Pittsburgh-set web sitcom Internet Famous. The episodes (of 11 and 14 minutes, respectively) revolve around angsty Andrew (played by Trent Wolfred), his sex-pig roomie Dave (Matthew Robison) and their pals. (Think a dirtier Friends and you're in the ballpark.) Also screening is Jonathan Gribbin's "Exposures," an eerie, dialogueless 12-minute psychodrama about a troubled photographer that takes place almost entirely inside a single dimly lit flat, at night. "Exposures" recently won the award for best editing at the 2014 Macon Film Festival, in Macon, Ga.