n this romantic comedy, the Farrelly brothers examine whether true love can exist between a sweet, funny baseball nut (Jimmy Fallon), a winsome corporate workaholic (Drew Barrymore) and the Boston Red Sox. As with all romantic triangles, somebody has to get hurt -- and by rights, the long-losing Sox should have taken the hit, enabling the cute couple to walk away together. Shooting last season, the Farrellys were forced to incorporate the Sox's unthinkable victory into their narrative, and the final third suffers from having too many winners. Still, you can take your mom to see this Farrelly flick: It's light fun and free of gross-out jokes. On the downside, this seems like Barrymore's 100th turn as goofy romantic lead, and former SNL-er Fallon has little zip on the big screen. Conflating the anguish of Sox fandom and dating must have been a cute idea two years ago, but by now, that fabled century of Sox misery has ceased to be interesting. (AH)