We slog through the twitter streams of the 2016 Presidential candidates and give you a weekly round-up of the more entertaining ones.
New Hampshire has spoken! And so we say goodbye to Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie and Jim Gilmore.
On Sunday, candidates weighed on on the Super Bowl.
Cruz, of course, plays for Team USA.
Carson showed off his skills at making tough calls.
Trump spoke for many viewers.
Jeb is stepping up his insult game but the "over and out" tag just ruins it.
It's disorienting seeing a U.S. president tromping around in the snow for votes.
Trump reveals his solution to everything: a wall.
One, Kasich has the Terminator on his side. Two, "you enjoyed the beatings" is intriguing.
Our Dispeller in Chief
Oh, Donald — they were asking this back on Day One of the Old Testament.
For a little Flashback Friday, remember Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker? He was running for president last year. Still keepin' it real.