We slog through the twitter streams of the 2016 Presidential candidates and give you a weekly round-up of the more entertaining ones.
The impending holiday season isn't bringing much good cheer or fellow-feeling to the campaign: The griping, fear-mongering and name-calling continues.
The next GOP debate is Tue., Dec. 15 (8:30 p.m. on CNN), and it marks the return of Chris Christie to the prime-time event. (Pataki, Graham, Santorum and Huckabee will put on a brave face on the early debate — 6 p.m., also on CNN.) The bromance between Trump and Cruz is over, and the two will be manning adjacent podiums tomorrow night. Look for insults, and the chance for personal-space invasion between these two.
This week, in Twitterville, we got a couple of petro-carbon gags:
Hillary tweeted out the new Mount Rushmore. I'm giddy imagining in what cabinet-level roles these funny ladies could fill ...
chain sawing the tax code earlier in the campaign,
Paul put the instrument to its true use.
Ted Cruz took a pair of insults in stride. He turned the other cheek on Cher with a passive-aggressive blessing, and met Trump's "maniac" accusation with a
Flashdance clip (which doubles as an ass shot).
Can we trust a president who refers to himself in air quotes?
Can we afford a president that operates at this low-ball level of quid pro quo?
I feel this "report" is from an old cartoon: I see a giant box with a hand-cranked wheel and a sign taped on it that reads "Passport Machine."