Wednesday, March 27, 2013
In case you missed the historic action at the Supreme Court yesterday, you can find a recording of oral arguments in one of two same-sex marriage cases being argued this week. (There's also a transcript, in case you want to follow along and figure out which justice is which.) A second case, this one involving the federal Defense of Marriage Act, is on the court's calendar for today. The conventional wisdom is that the court may be looking for a way to punt on the whole issue, so the political process has more time to play out. And a lot of the discussion yesterday was about standing -- the right of a plaintiff to file a suit in the first place. A decision -- even a decision not to decide -- will probably be handed down in June. In the meantime, Clarence Thomas is apparently coming to Pittsburgh in a few weeks ... to give a speech. That shouldn't take long.
Make that two St. Patrick's Day altercations involving police which the FBI is now reviewing.
A tale of two cities: US Airways CEO Doug Parker goes to Philadelphia, to discuss how a merger with American Airlines would be good for the city. But over on this end of the state, Parker warned that the merger may mean the closure of a taxpayer-funded operations center.
Here's a useful idea from City councilor Patrick Dowd: Why not disguise cellphone towers to blend in with their surroundings, incorporating them into church steeples or flagpoles ... or perhaps the Tripods used by our conquering Martian overlords? (That last one is just my contribution to the dialogue here.)
Oh, who gives a shit? Forbes magazine, in one of those dopey, arbitrary city rankings that people obsess over, ranks Pittsburgh Pirates fans 28th in terms of "team loyalty". That's an improvement over 2012, when Pittsburgh ranked dead last. Frankly, I think a more interesting metric would be to look how loyal the team is to its fans: Do they actually live up to promises? Field a competitive team? Allow you to purchase nachos even if you aren't in the "nacho line" (I had a bad experience once)? But in any case, I just hope the fans' improved performance here inspires the Pirates to new heights: Dare to dream of being something less than a total embarrassment, fellas!