Monday, December 10, 2012
Story of the weekend: While actual Pennsylvanians went about their daily lives, here in Pennsylvania, our elected officials were whooping it up in New York City for the annual Pennsylvania Society gathering in the Waldorf Astoria. Apparently, at least one barroom brawl broke out, which to my mind is the sign of a successful party. And these gatherings are where the political stratagems of the future are decided. City Paper's expense account doesn't permit us to attend ourselves, but you'll find a wrap-up of events -- complete with future gubernatorial speculation here and here and here. And a dissenting take -- one that suggests holding the event in, you know, Pennsylvania -- appears here.
Speaking of the PA Society, a special note: Gov. Tom Corbett says he is really, truly, positively, going to address transportation funding, along with other important topics, this year. So, there you have it: Tom Corbett gave a speech in which he promised to do his job next year. Corbett was -- again -- short on details when it came to what those proposals would be. But! He will be proposing them! Feel better?
But while Corbett resolutely plans on doing his job, he may have less help: Administration officials are suggesting that state government layoffs are likely next year, largely due to rising medical and pension costs.
Remember that voter ID law? It's still on the books, despite being put on a court-ordered hiatus for this year's presidential election. And Democratic state Sen. Wayne Fontana has some suggestions for making it better.
You've been warned, kids: Penalties for underage drinking are set to increase on Christmas Day. Which hardly seems fair: Some of us adults can only get through family gatherings thanks to massive amounts of alcohol. But we're depriving our kids of that same comfort? Won't somebody think of the children?
This headline is being included solely because it includes the phrase "Amish mafia." And nothing drives up web traffic like a reference to Amish behaving badly.