Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Environmental and health groups have teamed up to show Unacceptable Levels, a new documentary about toxins in the environment, tonight at the New Hazlett Theater.
The 7 p.m. screening is free and is followed by a panel discussion.
Director Ed Brown’s film examines not industrial pollution as we usually think of it, but rather everyday exposures to toxins in things like furniture, flooring, toys, cosmetics, cleaning fluids, clothing and cookware.
Just being in your home or workplace, in other words, creates a "chemical body burden" for you … and for your children, including fetuses.
The film features experts including legendary consumer advocate Ralph Nader and author and epidemiologist Devra Lee Davis (The Secret History of the War on Cancer).
Unacceptable Levels promotes the prevention of diseases like cancer. The screening marks Healthy Families Day of Action. The event is hosted by Women for a Healthy Environment and the Learning Disabilities Association of America.
The discussion following the film includes Dr. Scott Faber, a developmental pediatrician; WHE executive director Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis; LDAA project director Maureen Swanson; and Howard Williams, of Construction Specialties, Inc.
Event sponsors are urging passage of the federal Safe Chemicals Act.
As noted by New York Times columnist Nick Kristoff and others, industry trade groups spend millions to oppose better oversight of toxic chemicals. And they're especially busy in campaign season.
The New Hazlett is located at 6 Allegheny Square East, on the North Side, right by the Children’s Museum.
Tags: environment , toxins , chemicals , pollution , health , Unacceptable Levels