Tuesday, October 9, 2012
What's going on in the state park system? Parks director John Norbeck, who says he's been forced out, as a result of philosophical differences with the Corbett administration. Jan Jarrett, the environmental activist who broke this story last week, also previously noted the departure of a longtime member of a state parks advisory group. And all this is happening as the state parks wrestle with allowing natural-gas drilling on their acreage. Hmmmmm....
OK, so up in Midland, PA, you've got an intrepid Post-Gazette reporter asking all kinds of questions about the relationship between charter schools and separate entities who may be cashing in on state dollars. For all we know, there are dozens of other similar situations around the state. What do you do if you're a legislator in Harrisburg? Isn't it obvious? You renew the push for legislation that would limit public access to information about the private management of charter schools.
A new poll, issued by a firm that has drawn fire for results showing Mitt Romney surprisingly competitive in Pennsylvania, shows no change in head-to-head results following last week's debate. It does show a pronounced increase in Romney's favorability ratings. At this point, there's no question the debate helped Romney. The question is how much it actually hurt Obama. Jury's still out.
In any case, it all amounts to nothing if Romney concedes Pennsylvania -- something state Republicans are pleading with him not to do. The message: Even if you are a lost cause in Pennsylvania, we've got some downballot Republicans who could use a little attention. And nothing gins up voter excitement like a visit from Mitt Romney!
Jerry Sandusky is being sentenced today. Did you want to hear what he has to say for himself? I didn't think so.