Marcellus Coalition shale memo ... as seen in City Paper (and now the P-G)! | Blogh

Friday, August 20, 2010

Marcellus Coalition shale memo ... as seen in City Paper (and now the P-G)!

Posted By on Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 10:53 AM

Today's Post-Gazette follows up on a story I broke earlier this week: The Marcellus Shale Coalition, which represents natural-gas drillers who've taken an interest in Pennsylvania, is lining up legislators behind such causes as ...

  • lower taxes for the industry
  • less leverage for local officials trying to regulate drilling in their communities
  • "encouraging" government agencies to find expanded uses for that good ol' Marcellus shale gas.

This and more is part of the industry's "holistic" -- or should I say "hole-istic"? -- agenda for reshaping state law to be more drilling-friendly.

I hope to have more on the memo, and the implications of some of its proposals, later today. In the meantime, though, I thought I might as well post the memo itself, for anyone interested. 

UPDATE: The folks at the Marcellus Shale Coalition kindly took the time to notify me that the Scranton Times Tribune reported on this memo's existence on Aug. 10. Apologies to my brethren in Scranton if I slighted their work.
