Lynn Cullen Live 10/15/12 | Lynn Cullen Live | Pittsburgh | Pittsburgh City Paper

Lynn Cullen Live 10/15/12

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Guest: Rev. Richard Freeman, President of PA Interfaith Impact Network; PIIN is the largest diverse grassroots social action organization; pro-active in tackling issues; Fire of Faith event THIS Thursday: Rekindling Democracy & community; event topics: Alcosan, transportation, education; faith & politics; Obit: Arlen Specter, former PA senator; PG's awful headline to his obit; there once was a time Dems & Repubs treated each other like human beings; James 5:1-6; Obama's re-election will result in job losses?; Felix Baumgartner's skydive from space; powerful men & their penises; Caller: Unknown.

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Lynn Cullen Live 10/15/12

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