deb lannon | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Jun 1, 2010


  • Posted by:
    deb lannon on 06/01/2010 at 5:44 PM
    I must say....."I completely disagree!" Speaking as a participant of the Pittsburgh music scene,a fan of
    Round Black Ghosts,and a former journalism student....."Ms.Shea is completely incorrect in her review of RBG"s album "Line Up"." This is one of the most creatively innovative albums to be released in the Pittsburgh area for far too many years to remember. Since it is the responsibility of the music critic to offer his/her opinion of an album,it SHOULD result in an educated, researched article. For Ms. Shea to compare a ballad such as "Drunks Don't Start Revolutions" to screamo, tells the reader that not only is Shea unfamiliar with the screamo genre, but also that she didn't listen to the album.(c' ten -year-old even knew the difference). Shea also makes this obvious by her statement of the relevancy of the lyrics to the subject matter(HELLO! the songs may have titles such as "Robots" and "Magic" but if she had taken the time to listen -or maybe to read the lyrics printed on the album cover, she would have realized that the titles aren't literal!). It's a shame that i will never trust the City Paper's journalism ever again since they put their trust in half -assed interns to write reviews. Ms. Shea---my advice to you is to go back to journalism school and repeat a few semesters. Try harder next time,and better luck in the future. Sincerely, Pittsburgh music fan, Deb Lannon
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