OhioInvestigator | Pittsburgh City Paper

Member since Feb 27, 2009


  • Posted by:
    OhioInvestigator on 02/27/2009 at 2:12 PM
    How many "average citizens" have a "professional dog-walker?" Do you suppose that's why Block didn't want his name disclosed? Why else?
  • Posted by:
    OhioInvestigator on 02/27/2009 at 2:04 PM
    If the public only knew how bad local, state and federal corruption of public officials is, they would be even more disgusted and angry than now. But they are only seeing the tip of a very big ice berg. Karl Rove is now an "expert" on FOX "NEWS" (Fair and Balanced???? Ya, right!) , but he should be in jail (his former bosses, too, especially Bush & Cheney.) Corruption here is Ohio is monstrous. At least we finally got rid of Taft, Blackwell and their ilk. Pittsburgh has, unfortunately, been a hot spot of corruption. I'm glad to see that the CP is exposing some of it. These PA Plutocrats will try to sue you out of existence, that's my prediction. Their bribes, pay-offs, drug use, marital infidelity, etc., can't stand the light of day. Sincerely and keep up your great work, Ohio Investigator.