Peduto says investigation on Pride incident is 'ongoing,' timeline still unclear | Blogh

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Peduto says investigation on Pride incident is 'ongoing,' timeline still unclear

Posted By on Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 3:22 PM

In a statement released this afternoon, mayor Bill Peduto acknowledged the city is still investigating an incident last month in which a Pittsburgh police officer punched and arrested a Pride attendee.

As City Paper reported yesterday, the mayor seemed to promise some assessment of the incident within a month of a July 16 press conference. The mayor's statement confirms the investigation is ongoing, but doesn't address why he established a 30-day timeline in the first place, or when the results of the investigation should be expected.

Peduto spokesman Tim McNulty declined to comment on the deadline the mayor established, saying only that the mayor wants a "thorough" investigation. (The Office of Municipal Investigations is required to complete its investigation within 120 days, according to its own rules, McNulty says.)

Here's Peduto's statement in full:

Last month I called for an investigation of an arrest at the June 15 Pride Fest parade and said the city ‘will not delay this investigation, but I will not make any judgement until such time that OMI has had the opportunity to fully investigate.’

At this time, the investigation has progressed and is ongoing. The officer who is the subject of the investigation will remain off-patrol until OMI has completed their work.

I and my administration are committed to justice and fairness and we will ensure a complete and thorough investigation so that all parties may receive fair treatment from the City of Pittsburgh.